Wooly cactus is currently only spasticaly updating. It's content may range from my recent projects and patterns to recent goings on in my local knitting club, knitting news and gossip, and just general struggles and advice that I want to share with the online knitting community.
Please feel free to leave questions, comments, hints, advice, or suggest any helpful sites that you know of! Or leave a link to your blog. It's always interesting to see what other people are doing. :]
I started knitting in my high school psychology class about four years ago. The girl next to me was working on and orange an black stockinette stitch scarf, and when I showed interest she gave me a book called Stitch n' Bitch, The Knitter's Handbook. She let me borrow a pair of needles and helped me cast on and struggle through my first few swatches. After a few oddly shaped and unwearable hats, and one very soft but very shoddily made scarf that my boyfriend at the time wore anyway [thankyousir], I finally started to get the hang of things. However as often happens, life got too busy and my knitting was put on the back burner for a long time. When I came to college things got a little bit too heavy and I was in serious need of a stressbuster, and a good distraction. So I picked my knitting back up and its been in my hands pretty much constantly ever since. I started a school knitting club, which still isn't quite official but is well on it's way. And I've finished a good many nice projects. Finally, I decided to try and extend my reach into the online community. So here I am. I'm hoping to make new friends, learn lots and share my experiences with others.
eh,just block it at the end. Crookedness never bothered anyone. hehe